onsdag 20. august 2008


The preparation time is over, we have finished our reports that we're supposed to present to the local organization. We're going to work in Suleymania for approximately 3 months, and later have a three week post-reporting period in Lillehammer Norway. (For those who don't know where this town is, it's about 2 1/2 hours north of Oslo and it's also where the 1994 winter olympics were held.)

I am leaving in 9 days, and have not come close to finishing all practical things I need to have done. In a way the preparation time in Lillehammer was better, it kept us away from the fact that we will be working in a completely different environment, using a language we're not used to. In a professional context, that is. I wont even begin to discuss the cultural dissonance between the generation that migrated and the one that stayed in Kurdistan. That's a whole blog for itself.

I will leave you with this picture of beautiful Lillehammer. Enjoy../ H

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